Jul 27, 2024 09:50


About Us

Persepolis Pars Assaluyeh Petrochemical Company was established in 2013 with the aim of producing various polystyrene products by the private sector. The company intends to achieve a near future production capacity of 65,000 tons per year of PS, HIPS and XPS products and 120,000 tons per year EPS. Has done
نقشه فوتر
  • Head Quarter: No.94 (Parand Building)–Across from Ava Center–Movahed Danesh St.Tehran-Iran
  • Management        No.19

  • Financial              No.15

  • Commercial          No.16

  • IT                        No.17

  • HR & Legal          No.18 
  • +98 21 91008030
  • Factory Address:  Next to Styrene Park, Phase 2 National Petrochemical Lands, Assaluyeh, Iran
  • info@tjpa-pc.com