Jul 27, 2024 10:42

India Ready for Enhanced Petchem Ties with Iran: Envoy

India Ready for Enhanced Petchem Ties with Iran: Envoy
TEHRAN, Feb. 21 (Shana) – New Delhi’s ambassador to Tehran said Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and economic officials have prepared the arrangements for enhanced relations with Iran including in the petrochemical industry.
According to the National Petrochemical Company (NPC), Saurabh Kumar said the petrochemical industry is one of the fields in which India has set the ground for cooperation with Iran in the post-sanctions era.
“Abundance of feedstock is an advantage of Iran’s petrochemical industry. Now that South Pars (gas field) has developed into the country’s major petrochemical hub, Chahbahar Port can in near future turn to an important center for the petrochemical industry.
“Indian investors are ready to participate in the development projects of Iran’s petrochemical industry. With the removal of sanctions, both countries can increase the level of their cooperation,”Kumar said.
Feb 22, 2016 12:28
shana.ir |
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