Takht Jamshid Petrochemical Facility’s industrial sewage treatment system was put into operation in presence of the Head of the Department of Environment Masoomeh Ebtekar and Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Managing Director of National Iranian Petrochemical Company Marzieh Shahdaie.
The project has cost more than 700 billion rilas. Related
equipment have also been designed by Iranian companies.
The project is so important that the 90 cubic meters/day
industrial sewage is treated in HTDS model.
Ebtekar is on a tour of Mahshahr Special Economic and
Petrochemical Zone in Khouzestan Province and during her stay a contract was
signed for sale of flare gas to the private sector.
She is accompanied in her visit by such petrochemical
industry figures as Shahdaie, Managing Director of Persian Gulf Holding Company
Adel Nejadsalim.