Total amount of products of Iranian petrochemical facilities stood at 4,15 million tons in Iranian month of Khordad (May-June).
A report by the Managerial Planning and Development
Department of National Petrochemical Company (NPC) said that Bisotun
Petrochemical Facility had highest performance in the month under study,
constituting 132.2 percent of the target set for the period.
Tabriz Petrochemical Facility's share in the products was
117.7 percent, standing second in the list, followed by Shiraz Petrochemical
Facility with 112 percent of the collection.
Nouri, Jam and Zagros petrochemical facilities also had
109.6, 102.7 and 102 percent share in the total.
Total sales of petrochemical products was 1,213,8 thousand
tons, worth 18,724 billion rials.